
Are you suffering from Hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammation condition of the liver and liver tissue, caused mostly by infectious agents. The word Hepatitis is derived from the Greek hêpar (ἧπαρ), meaning “liver”, and -itis (-ῖτις), meaning “inflammation”. Symptoms of Hepatitis Some people have no symptoms whereas others develop Yellow discoloration of the skin and…

Inner Balance

For harmonising restless and scattered bioenergy. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: The tendency to constantly change practitioners; Impatient temperament (Type “A” personality); The tendency to be a “Jack of all trades”; The inability to be spiritually open and find inner peace; An erratic lifestyle with overstimulated and nervous bioenergy; Excess stimulant (Coffee, etc) energy;…

Glands Swollen

Are you suffering from Swollen Glands? Having swollen glands (Lymph Nodes) means your immune system is fighting an infection. Glands are part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of…


For restoring playfulness and joy when one is too serious; for restoring the life force. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Recovery from burnout; People with workaholic tendencies; Learning to relax and play; Contacting the inner child. Meridians Heart 3 and Conception Vessel 22 Ingredients Zinnia, Mustard, Larkspur, Borage, Star Thistle, Sticky Monkeyflower, Sagebrush, Quince,…


Do you have a Fever? What is Fever? Fever is a rise in body temperature above the normal temperature, usually caused by infection. Normal body temperature is around 37°C (give or take a degree, depending on individual differences). There may also be minor fluctuations over the course of the day and night. Contrary to popular…


To promote openness to others despite fear; to develop warmth toward others. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: The ability to give and receive; LSharing with a group without fear of losing one’s personal identity; Developing social warmth. Meridians Bladder 60 and Kidney 3 Ingredients Calendula, Centaury, Cherry Plum, Holly, Mallow, Pink Monkeyflower, Tiger Lily,…

Hair Health

Would you like to have healthy hair? Hair Health is a reflection of your internal bodies health just like your skin. The cells that make up each strand of hair require a regular supply of key nutrients and protection from environmental pollutants and stress in general. If you are sick, run down and not feeding…


For oversensitivity to emotional, environmental and psycho-spiritual factors, to enhance bioenergetic protection. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Being more open and receptive; For balancing power with softness, grace and gentleness. Meridians Kidney and Liver. Points: Kidney 2 and Liver 3 Ingredients Calendula, Deer Brush, Dogwood, Pine, Quince, Star Tulip, Garlic, Goldenrod, Indian Paintbrush, Cayenne,…

Eye Strain – Poor Vision

Are you suffering Eye Strain? The medical term for eye strain is asthenopia. The symptoms of ocular fatigue, tired eyes, blurring, headaches, and occasionally doubling of the vision are brought on by concentrated use of the eyes for visual tasks. Some people, while concentrating on a visually intense task such as reading fine print, using…


For oversensitivity to emotional, environmental and psycho-spiritual factors, to enhance bioenergetic protection. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Energetic oversensitivity to others or the problems of others; The environment; to spiritual energies; emotions & psycho-energies. Imbalances of chakra 6 (brow chakra). Meridians Stomach 36, Liver 3 and Large Intestine 4 Ingredients Avocado, Aloe Vera, Tuberose,…