Lack of exercise and a bad diet leads many lifestyle diseases that develop over time.
Lifestyle Management & Health Coaching
A Naturoapath is also considered a Lifestyle Management Health Coach.
Most people relate to the word ‘COACH’ or ‘HEALTH COUNSELLOR – TEACHER’ as we can relate to these words from our school days.
A Naturopathic Practitoner considers all aspects of health and lifestyle strategies to improve your health and wellbeing and can be considered a Lifestyle Management Health Coach.
I have included this sercive here to clarify that becaue when people search on google they often get confused about what they are searaching for especially if they do not understand what a Naturopath does.
Years of study in all areas of health prepars the Naturopath to assists clients to achieve their goals around health, food, eating and lifestyle – and make them stick.
The Naturopath (Lifestyle Management & Health Coaching) empowers their patients to adopt habits that place them on the path to a healthier future.
Teaching health and lifestyle strategies that can improve their ‘Style of Life.
Every area of your health is considered including your environment. where you live and work, the stressors physical and emotional, nutrition and diet, exercise, fitness and relaxation. These are all factors that need to be considered and reviewed when looking at Lifestyle Management – Health Coaching – Naturopathic Medicine.
It is a well-known fact that lack of exercise and a bad diet can lead to a number of lifestyle diseases that develop slowly over time.
Examples of these diseases are coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and the most topical, the increasing levels of obesity. Lifestyle Management by participating in regular exercise can prevent such diseases and lower your risk of ill health. In fact, whilst other lifestyle changes can be difficult to achieve (such as stopping smoking) participating in regular physical activity is perhaps the easiest and most beneficial change that you can make.
As we have just stated in the benefits of flower essence therapy the complex interrelationship between physical and emotional health is undeniable. Homoeopathic medicine has a huge role to play in mental health symptoms that may be blocking your progress and attitude to life.
Lack of exercise and a bad diet leads many lifestyle diseases that develop over time.
It is challenge for them to feel joy towards life when coping with illness.
If your job or profession demands long hours, you are involved in shift work, a parent with interrupted sleep, or work in a toxic chemical laden environment (workplace) then it is a huge challenge, both physically and mentally on your body and these stressors will play a huge role in undermining your health.
It is also difficult for our bodies to feel good if we are having emotional or relationship difficulties, lack of sleep, injuries and/or financial worries.
We offer you positive methods to tackle these lifestyle issues and find a solution that is right for you and to find a balance in your life.
When you put focus into your health and lifesytle by adopting a sustainable Lifestyle Management program you will feel the benifits. With small lifestyle changes, your health will improve. As a health practitioner, we are trained to help you see the destructive influences of your lifestyle and offer safe and natural alternatives.
Our complete health and lifestyle package was designed and created to make things easy for our clients to get back on track and stay motivated ultimately seeing positive results to improve ‘your style of life’.