Are you overweight?

Metabolic Syndrome – Are you at risk?

Is your increasing abdominal waist measurement (central obesity) putting your body at risk of initiating ‘Metabolic Syndrome'?

People with metabolic syndrome have an increased long-term risk for developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke with symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance.

An unhealthy lifestyle causes metabolic syndrome.


Obesity is the number one risk factor leading to Metabolic Syndrome.

If the metabolic syndrome is not appropriately managed, irreversible damage to your

  1. Heart
  2. Arteries,
  3. Liver,
  4. Kidneys and
  5. Nervous system will result.

Preventative Medicine – Be ProActive

Lose Fat, Look Great & Feel Healthier

I am all about Preventative Medicine, and I love to encourage you to be proactive in your health.

There are two simple actions you can do in your own home to see if you are at risk of metabolic syndrome and the related diseases under this banner.

Be ProActive

Take your waist measurement and take your BMI!

By doing these two things, you will see if you are at risk and, it allows you to establish a baseline.

Do you know your Waist Measurement?

Grab a tape measure and see what your results are!

Below are the measurements for men and women for healthy and at risk.


Metabolic risk factor – waist measurement above 102 cm

Healthy – waist measurement below 94 cm


Metabolic risk factor – waist measurement above 88 cm

Healthy – waist measurement below 80 cm

Having a higher percentage of body fat than what is considered normal is now known to be one of the most severe causes of ill health – DISEASE.

Health & Lifestyle Package

My health and lifestyle package encourages you to be proactive in your health and lifestyle choices.

Let's work towards achieving positive long-term results in all areas of your health and wellbeing.

Do You Eat A High Sugar, High Carb Diet?

Insulin Resistance

If you are overweight, this can create a problem with insulin resistance and high blood insulin levels.

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, body fat and liver start resisting or ignoring the signal that the hormone insulin is trying to send out—which is to grab glucose out of the bloodstream and put it into our cells.

Glucose, also known as blood sugar, is the body’s primary source of fuel.

We get glucose from grains, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and drinks that bring break down into carbohydrates.

Not all people with blood sugar (glucose) irregularities are overweight.

However, overweight people that have become resistant to the effect of insulin results in the disturbance of fat metabolism.

How Insulin Resistance Develops

While genetics, aging and ethnicity play roles in developing insulin sensitivity, the driving forces behind insulin resistance include excess body weight, too much belly fat, a lack of exercise, smoking, and even skimping on sleep.

Beta Cells In Your Pancreas Become Worn Out

As insulin resistance develops, your body fights back by producing more insulin. Over months and years, the beta cells in your pancreas that are working so hard to make insulin get worn out and can no longer keep pace with the demand for more and more insulin.

Then – years after insulin resistance silently began – your blood sugar may start to rise, and you may develop prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.

You may also develop the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a growing problem associated with insulin resistance that boosts your risk for liver damage and heart disease.

Insulin resistance increases the risk of;

    1. Diabetes
    2. Heart disease
    3. NAFLD (Non Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease)
    4. Infertility
    5. Female reproductive disorders including
    6. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
    7. Osteoarthritis
    8. Rheumatoid arthritis and even
    9. Cancer

The good news is you can take control of your health and reverse these conditions.

BMI Groups

Body Mass Index – BMI

Body mass index, or BMI, is a measure of body size.

BMI is a screening tool that can indicate whether a person is underweight or if they have a healthy weight, excess weight, or obesity.

BMI measures your body weight divided by the square of height.

If a person's BMI is outside of the healthy range, their health risks may increase significantly.

The BMI Chart

This BMI chart is a general guide and an accepted way of expressing weight.

It is simple to measure, and it provides a strong correlation with the amount of fat in the body in the vast majority of people over 18.

When you have calculated your BMI, you can determine your healthy weight range from the chart.

It is important to remember there may be reasons to modify the interpretation, and you should discuss this with your health professional.

Taking both your waist measurement and your BMI is an excellent guide to see if you are in the healthy, low-risk range.

  1. In Athletes: The BMI can be misleading in athletes (e.g. bodybuilders) who have a low body fat percentage, but deliver an excessive BMI as they have a significant increase in muscle mass. As the index is a calculation of weight and height alone, it assumes that the increase is due entirely to body fat.
  2. In Children: The BMI can be misleading in children, as body fatness changes over the years as they grow, and girls and boys also differ in their body fatness as they mature. In children, it is better to express weight as a percentile value, to others at the same age and sex.
  3. In Ethnic Groups: For some ethnic groups, the BMI values need to be modified. For Chinese, Indian and Malaysian people, a BMI greater than 23 is considered overweight. A BMI greater than 27.5 is obese.

I can help you!
Join the Energy Plus Makeover!

Commence A Healthy Makeover – Join The Energy Plus Porgram

A healthy diet, reducing carbohydrates and maintaining adequate protein will lower blood sugar levels of the primary fat producing the hormone insulin, has been proven to be effective in weight management.

This reduction of carbohydrates forces the body to burn fat while maintaining protein intake and preserving valuable muscle mass.

The use of only low GI (Glycemic Index) carbohydrates ensures that the body does not produce high levels of insulin.

High levels of insulin will cause the body to store carbs as fat and stops fat converting to energy. The effect of not only making a person fat but will also keep them overweight.

Low GI carbohydrates slowly release glucose into your bloodstream.

These foods have the effect of keeping your energy levels balanced and keep you feeling fuller for longer between meals. The lower the GI carbohydrates, the slower the rise in your blood glucose levels.

There is always a positive way to manage weight issues, including eating disorders and addictions.

There is so many diets and eating protocols out there;
keto, fasting, zone diet, Atkins, weight watchers, vegan, Mediterranean, and the list goes on. It is confusing and overwhelming.

Everyone is different and require different nutritional requirements at also various ages and stages of your life.

Embrace food as medicine! Eat seasonal, fresh and clean whole foods that are high in nutrients and phytochemicals.

If you have reactions or sensitivities to some foods, then testing will help take the guesswork out of what food may be making you ill.

Sometimes you may need a break from certain high allergenic and sensitivity food groups to give your body to heal and dampen the inflammation.

I am excited to offer you the tools to help you reach your goal.

My Energy Makeover is a 12-week program to support and help you achieve your health and weight management goals.
On week 1, 4, 8 and 12, you record your weight and some other measurements so you can not only monitor your results but visually see the fantastic changes to your body shape, energy and health.

We have a members-only private Facebook group ‘The Life Network', a safe place to share anything related to health, nutrition and fitness. This group helps you stay on track, motivational and inspirational.

I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and reduce the risk of Metabolic Syndrome!

If you require a personalised Naturopathic & Nutritional Consultation, please make a booking.