Eyes – Blocked Tear Duct

Are you suffering from a blocked tear duct? Blocked tear ducts can happen at any age. They may even be present at birth (congenital). Causes include: Congenital blockage. Many infants are born with a blocked tear duct. The tear drainage system may not be fully developed or there may be a duct abnormality. Often a…


To promote harmony with the social environment when feeling alienated. Meridians Governing and Conception Vessels Ingredients California Wild Rose, Golden Ear Drops, Manzanita, Mariposa Lily, Shooting Star, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Violet, Holly, Poison Oak. Potencies: 6C, 9C, 12C Sepia: 6C, 9C, 12C, 15C The 70 Futurplex Essences Spiritual Clarity Energy Flow Incident Release Heart Chakra…

Eyes – Stye

Are you suffering with a Stye? A stye, also known as a hordeolum, is a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid. This results in a red tender bump at the edge of the eyelid. The outside or the inside of the eyelid can be affected. The cause of a stye is usually…


For blocks due to not accepting unpleasant incidents or situations. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Accepting oneself and others as they are; Accepting one’s inner child; Accepting other people’s feelings; Developing a greater sense of self-worth; Coming out of denial. Meridians Liver and Conception Vessel; Points: Liver 2, Conception Vessel 12 Ingredients Agrimony, Buttercup,…

Chronic Ear Infection

Are you suffering from a Chronic Ear Infection? Chronic ear infection is fluid, swelling, or an infection behind the eardrum that does not go away or keeps coming back. Chronic ear infections may cause long-term or permanent damage to the ear. It most often involves a hole in the eardrum that does not heal. The…


For developing a positive outlook; for releasing the tendency to be critical and doubtful. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Negative interpretations about life; Feeling incurable even when recovering; Feelings of desperation; The inability to forgive. Meridians Bladder, Kidney and Spleen; Points: Bladder 23, Kidney 7 and Spleen 1 Ingredients Willow, Spiderwort, Lotus, Dill, Oregon…

Middle Ear Infection

Do you suffer from middle ear infections? A middle ear infection, also called otitis media, occurs when a virus or bacteria cause the area behind the eardrum to become inflamed. Middle ear infections are common in children. Most middle ear infections occur during the winter and early spring. Often, middle ear infections go away without…

New Hope

To neutralise bioenergetic disturbances and stagnations due to deep negative interpretations, feelings of despair, and helplessness. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Inner turmoil and lack of peace; Feelings of being overburdened or overwhelmed by responsibilities; Difficulty in finding solutions. Meridians Kidney and Heart; Points: Kidney 3 and Heart 3 Ingredients Gorse, Scotch Broom, Grapefruit,…

Glue Ear

Do you suffer from Glue Ear? Glue ear is a condition where the middle ear fills with glue-like fluid instead of air. This causes dulled hearing. In most cases it clears without any treatment. We use various naturopathic principles to treat the cause and look for the disharmony in your body and mind to bring…

Colour Balance

To balance and harmonise the vibrational fields of sensitive people. Other Application Provides bioenergetic support for: Assisting the regulation of colour and light energy in one’s bioenergy field Persons with healing and psychic capabilities The use of other flower essence and vibrational formulas Meridians Liver 3, Gall Bladder 34, Stomach 36 and Yin Tang Ingredients…