
Do you suffer from Asthma? Asthma is a long-term respiratory condition caused by hypersensitivity (over-reacting to things) and inflammation (swelling and redness) of the airways. Asthma is a complex condition involving immune system dysfunction and characterized by airway inflammation and hyper-reactivity. Asthma is considered an allergic reaction but infections, psychological and emotional factors are frequently…

Natrum Muriaticum

NAT MUR (D6), Natrium chloratum, Natrum Muriate, Sodium ChlorideThe fluid balacer and Water distributor salt Found In every liquid and solid part of the body. Also known as ‘Sodium Chloride’. Acts upon the lymphatic system, blood, liver, spleen, mucous lining of alimentary canal. Deficiency Causes fluid imbalance, e.g. bloated skin or excessively dry skin. Loss…


Health Benefits Choline is a water soluble, lipotropic B-Group Vitamin. Choline’s lipotropic ability is to help catalyse the break down of fat during metabolism in the body. It promotes and encourages the export of fat from the liver which is necessary for the maintenance of a healthy liver as well as burning the exported fat…


Health Benefits Potassium is an alkaline Mineral that functions as an electrolyte, a principle intracellular cation, providing positive electrical charge when in solution (like Magnesium). Potassium is essential to regulate blood pressure, regulates the body’s water balance and promotes healthy nerves. A deficiency of Potassium will cause excessive accumulation of sodium in the tissues and…


Have You Been Prescribed the Bach Flower Essence Mimulus? I am happy to share the therapeutic benefits of this flower essence below with you. Flower Essence Therapy is gentle, safe and perfect to help relieve the stressors of the modern world! Would you like to chip away at the negative emotional stress, fears and memories…


Do you suffer from Appendicitis? Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. Symptoms commonly include right lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. However, approximately 40% of people do not have these typical symptoms. Severe complications of a ruptured appendix include widespread, painful inflammation of the inner lining of the abdominal wall and sepsis. Appendicitis…

Natrum Sulphate

NAT SULPH (D6), Natrum Sulphuricum, Sodium Sulphate The excretion Salt – Water Eliminator Found In intercellular fluid, liver, pancreas, bile, intestines and descending colon Regulates quantity of water in body and eliminates excessive fluids. Important for proper digestion and liver function. Deficiency Causes swollen skin, liver diseases, bilious conditions. Sandy deposits in urine. Tongue dirty…

Folic Acid

Folate, Vitamin M Health Benefits Folic Acid is a water soluble vitamin, required from the diet in combination with Vitamin C and Vitamin B12, to breakdown protein foods. Folic Acid is considered a brain food, essential for the formation of red blood cells, energy production the health of the nervous system. Folate may help depression…


Health Benefits Sodium deficiency is known medically as Hyponatremia. Sodium is necessary for maintaining water balance and blood pH. Sodium prevents blood from thickening, essential for the regulation of normal blood pressure. Promotes a healthy lymphatic system, healthy skin, hair and eyes. Sodium is essential for proper digestion of grains and legumes.Sodium assists in saliva…


Have You Been Prescribed the Bach Flower Essence Larch? I am happy to share the therapeutic benefits of this flower essence below with you. Flower Essence Therapy is gentle, safe and perfect to help relieve the stressors of the modern world! Would you like to chip away at the negative emotional stress, fears and memories…