KALI SULPH (D6), Kali Sulphuricum, Potassium Sulphate
The chronic inflammation and Skin Salt
Mostly in the tissues of the skin, mucous membranes, throat, and lungs. Carries oxygen to cells of skin and mucous membranes.
Causes lack of oxygen in the skin with resultant chilliness and desire for fresh air. Feeling like you cannot get enough air. Especially useful in later stages of inflammation where discharges are yellow, slimy, sticky or greenish. Tongue is yellow and slimy. Loss of taste.
Modalities Worse from
Worse from warm room; towards evening. Better from cool, fresh air.
- Chronic – Inflammations, supportive in wound healing.
- Chronic – Skin disorders.
- Skin – Excellent for healthy skin, minor skin eruptions with scaling, dry scaly skin, dermatitis, psoriasis, weeping spots, itchy skin and athletes’ foot. Oily skin.
- Hair – Dandruff and poor hair condition, euptions on the scalp with scaling
- Nails – Brittle nails, athlete’s foot
- Eyes – Yellow crusts on eyelids
- Respiratory – Bronchitis, jaundice, catarrh. Assists in many respiratory and circulatory functions. Cough and congestion especially made worse in the evenings. Useful in all bronchial and sinus conditions.
- Sore Throat – Helpful to enhancing the healing process of inflammations of the mucous membranes, throat, nose and conjuntiva.
- Gastrointestinal – Poor digestion, flatulence.
- Emotional – Anxiety, vague, sadness, feeling of heaviness in the body.
- Pain – Pains of neuralgia, rheumatism and wandering pains.
- Chicken pox
The 12 Dr. Schussler Salts x
- The elasticity salt
- The bones and teeth salt
- The cleansing processes salt
- The first assistance salt
- The mucous membrane salt
- The nerves and mind salt
- The chronic inflammation salt
- The cramps and pains salt
- The fluid balance salt
- The acid-base salt
- The excretion salt
- The skin, hair and nails salt